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The Robert Graves Review is an international journal published annually by The Robert Graves Society. The Review publishes peer-reviewed articles about Robert Graves, poet, historian, novelist, critic, classicist, and mythographer, as well as his poetic and scholarly collaborators and historic events necessary to understanding and celebrating the life and work of one of the greatest poets in the English language.
In addition to literary and historical criticism, The Robert Graves Review publishes biographical articles exploring the social context of Graves’s work, bibliographical articles about both primary and secondary work, book reviews of recent studies, and contemporary poems that have a strong connection to Graves or to the themes, character, practices or virtues of his work.
The Robert Graves Review will from time to time report on the Society's activities, including conferences, lectures and related events that support Graves studies.
These web pages contain the current and back issues of The Robert Graves Review, as well as those of its precursors, Gravesiana, Focus on Robert Graves and his Contemporaries, and Focus on Robert Graves.
For details about how to join the Robert Graves Society please visit Subscription rates are reasonable and the Society is always very happy to welcome new members.